The royalty line is the premier form of fiesta medal, the manufacturing process allows for a finished product similar to jewelry fit for royalty.

The royalty line is the premier form of fiesta medal, the manufacturing process allows for a finished product similar to jewelry fit for royalty.

Give Luxury
The royalty line is the premier form of fiesta medal, the manufacturing process allows for a finished product similar to jewelry fit for royalty.
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As an extra service to our clients, Alamo Medals sells individual medals we produced for our customers … helping raise money for the great charities of San Antonio.

The Viva line allows for the freedom of your creative expression and is perfect for telling the tale of your choosing.

Custom belt buckles are the perfect Texas gift! Does your company or event need an original 3D sculpted and hand painted belt buckle?

Dream big about something so small … Alamo Medals specializes in creating the perfect gift to promote your organizations or business.